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Monday, November 4, 2013


Christmas After All is about the great depression diary of Minnie Swift who lives in Indianapolis in Indiana during 1932 and her family gets a kid from Texas to take care of and her name is Willie Faye and she is poor and comes with barley anything Willie Faye has a suitcase made of cardboard, pictures, and 3 pairs of clothes.She is all dirty and doesn't know what anything is like a bathtub or toilet because she had to use an outhouse and those things. Will Willie Faye ever even go to school and learn what it is like to live here?

My favorite part was when I learned about Willie Faye and how she won a pumpkin contest because it seemed like she had nothing. It made me happy that she had the biggest pumpkin and a little house in it because it was so big.

I would recommend this book for girls from ages from 9-97 years old.

Rating ****


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