This book is about a kid named Donavan Curtis that is a troublemaker. He is in detention, and the person giving him it leaves to watch a basketball game.Suddenly, he looks out of the window and sees his friends who were even worse troublemakers making faces at him. They help him out of the window and escape. On the way out, Donavan randomly walks to a statue of Atlas a greek god that supposedly holds up the world. Donavan picks up a fallen tree branch and smashes the branch on the statue. Suddenly, he realizes that the bronze statue and the bronze "world" are two pieces and are poorly bolted together. The globe falls off the statue and rolls toward a parking lot, destroying no cars but rolling toward the school, where the basketball game is. It rolls through the glass doors instantly destroying them and causes a lot of property damage. No one was injured, but Donavan was caught. He was put in even worse detention, and the superintendent giving him detention made Donavan write his name.After Donavan was set free for the day to take the consequences another day, and a lady came into the office asking where the gifted program list was. The superintendent says it is on the desk, where he left the paper with Donavan's name on it. And Donavan is put into the Gifted program.
My favorite part was when Donavan realizes he would be in huge trouble while the globe rolls toward the building.
I would recommend this book for boys and girls, who are 10 to 12 years old.
RATING: *****
By: Andy Z
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