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Thursday, May 8, 2014


                                                                           ELLA FITZGERALD
Ella was born in Newport News,Virginia
Ella was a child of Tempie and William Fitzerald
Ella lived in Yonkers New York and Beverly Hills, California
Ella studied her voice she studied her voice by trying scat and bebop she also sang with different bands to see how she fit
Ella over came her skin color Ella over came her self she overcame herself by putting the past behind her and putting the present in front of her
Ella worked as a scat and bebop singer
Ella was challenged by the color of her skin by going to juvie for running illegal errands, her mom dying, her dad leaving her, by being homeless by being a trouble maker by getting into bad things
Ella's personality could be described mind blowing BAD GIRL
Ella was always singing dancing laughing out with the boys
Never the perfect girl 
Ella was best know for being the Queen Of Scats
You could find Ella opening doors for other black artist 
Ella was a wave; she had her low times and her high times and her low times 

1 comment:

Rm 12 said...

I like the wave description!!!!