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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

GAIA GIRLS by Lee Welles

What would you do if it was up to you to save your family's farm? When a factory farm is planning to move in next door and threatens the livelihood on the Three Oaks farm, save the farm is exactly what Elizabeth has to do. She discovers a talking otter (!) who tells her how to save Three Oaks.  The otter is called Gaia, and is begging young Elizabeth to help save the farm. Will she just turn her back on the world and see her beloved farm and all the plants in it die? Or will she be brave and save her family's farm? Read Gaia Girls to find out!

My favorite part was at field day, when someone is teasing Elizabeth and she discovers her powers. She gets so mad that she sends a wave of grass at the bully, and knocks him over. She never knew she could do things like that before.

I would recommend this book to girls ages 9-15.

Rating: *****


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