tag:https://sites.google.com/bedfordps.org/laneschoolsummerreading2021/home Lane Library BookWorm Blog: DIARY OF A WIMPY KID By Jeff Kinney

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Monday, April 14, 2008


This book is about a kid named Greg who carrys a diary around with him. He is also a nobody at school. He is always getting picked on and pulling pranks on teachers. Greg hates his brothers Rodrick and Manny.
My favorite part was when Greg and his friend Rowley make a haunted house. Their plan is wicked awesome but it turns out to be like a baby pen. Then it turned out to be Rowley and Greg screaming at the kids who come by to see the haunted house and they had a lake of blood which turned out to be a little slide with a kiddie pool at the bottom filled with ketchup.
I think kids 7 to 14 will enjoy this book.
Boy and girls will like this book.
Rating: ************************************************
Pen name Ronald McDonald 21

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that book and I hope more people would read it.