The Plot: Princess Alicia was put into the south turret with princess Kristen and Gundersnap. There are rumors that the south turret has been haunted for years now. When Alicia and her friends try to find the unfinished tapestry they discover lots of unusual things. Meanwhile they're training a songbird how to sing a song for an important contest. They all go through many challenging tasks to overcome and to complete along their journey.
The main character(s): The main characters are Princess Alicia, Princess Kristen, and Princess Gundersnap.
The Conflict: The conflict for the main characters was to teach a songbird how to sing and trying to find the missing tapestry.
The main character changes: The main character changed during the course of the book because she gained courage in herself when staying in the haunted south turret and swimming for the first time in a swim test! Here is an example from the book that says, "Something cold brushed her cheek. And once again a voice whispered "Young Princess, I am old. Please help - not all my tale is told."
Relate to this character: I relate to Alicia because I get scared at night just like she does and she thinks her turret is haunted.
RATING: ****
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