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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Ella by ANNA

Ella was born in Newport News,Virginia

Ella was the child of Tempie Fitzgerald

Ella lived on the streets

Ella studied the art of bebop music having the amazing chick web taking her under his wing

Ella overcame singing in front of classier people and feared her color , thinking they where racist

Ella worked as a scat a dat singer

Ella was challenged  by her deadly sickness and being separated by her color

Ella's personality could be described as brave, strongly opinionated, no fear, enjoyable blues singer and very energetic

Ella lived on the streets having here mother died from old age

Ella doubted her self thinking she has no doubts

Ella was best know for her funky singing

Ella was black,  an amazing black singer and a scat crazy singer also a crazy but sepctacular preformer , but most importantly a brave black singer also a role model for me

Ella made me feel energetic, but made me feel less insane

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