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Thursday, April 17, 2014

ELLA - Nick

Ella was a very talented black scat singer also known  as the scat master.c                                                          
She performed in  the chick web band.

Ella wasn't  allowed to sing in many clubs because she was black.

Ella was so good at scat she won 13 Grammy awards and she was in a jazz band.

she was born in April 25 1917.

her parents were William and Temple.

she lived in Yonkers New York and Harlem Virginia Beverly hills California the streets.

She was an amazing scat singer and dancer.

her fears were losing her voice and not being able to sing.

she was challenged by having diabetes  music because she was always playing in front of 100s of people she overcame stage fright.

she was funny determined fearless she was fearless because she encountered a lot of thing that were frightening and she overcame those scary things because she brave.

she always found that she ran into a lot of problems.

she was a very talented when she sings she sounds sad but calm at the same time

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